Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Things 7 &8: Flickr and Picnik

I've been waiting to do these two things because I wanted to put aside some time to fiddle with Picnik.

Flickr is something I am familar with, since many of my unversity friends dabbled in digital photography and uploaded all their photos there. I've always seen it as something akin to photobucket, which I used in the olden days to host my livejournal headers, just more professional looking. Having played around with it, I hold to this opinion.

What I found more interesting was picnik. Back in the aforementioned olden days, I was quite keen on (though never very good at) making graphics (icons and headers mainly, though the odd banner too) for livejournal. As with most people, I started off with basics, just cropping images, and progressed to adding text, changing the colours, hues, saturations etc; I still wasn't very good. My software of choice was paint shop pro - for no reason other than my father bought it for his own use so I could steal it. I still use that software, even though I have 7 and by the looks of things the latest version is 13! I don't mind it being out-of-date because I am familiar with it and not really savvy enough to need the extra features the newer versions offer.

As I expected, picnik is a good, simpler alternative, which would be great for editing say, photos of friends.

The one thing picnik doesn't allow you to play with which I'd use, is layers. I find these are much more satisying for editing more artsy photos, and definitely for making headers/icons and other graphics. They give you much more freedom, allow much subtler and in depth changes to be made. Apparently these are available for premium users, but considering how rarely I make these kind of edits anymore, it seems silly me paying for that.

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